Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Laura back with her week 2 review!

"Here it is two weeks with my Baby Quasar Plus and I couldn't be happier. As a California girl in her mid forties I did as a teen what many girls my age did.....I baked in the sun hoping for that golden glow of summer with no knowledge or care for the damage that it would do to my skin (if only I knew then what I know now!!!!!! )  Ladies.....ALWAYS WEAR YOUR SUNSCREEN! Then one day it crept up on me........hyper pigmentation!!! One day my daughter looked at my forehead and exclaimed "Mom.......what is that on your face????" I sighed and looked at her and said "That means mom is old." (and admonished her to wear her sunscreen) I thought that I would be stuck with my "alien spots" forever. But my Baby Q+ came to my rescue! These dark brown patches are slowly fading and I am hopeful that they will disappear. The other thing that I have noticed in my skin is a more even tone with more color than I have had in a while. I don't know
when it happened but one day I just wasn't comfortable going out skin was just lacking that glow that it used to have and now I have found myself going out in public barefaced again!!! It feels sooooo good. I just keep seeing improvement in the texture of my skin. I know that the changes are gradual so it really helps to have the before and after pictures. Another change that I have noticed is that those dreaded scowl lines above my lip are not as deep and my lips are actually fuller. I must say again that I am already in love with this little gem and am excited for the future! ........Till next week~~Laura"

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