Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Fan Love!

Wow what a great day! We have had many compliments today, we have to admit we are kind of blushing ::BLUSH::! Thank you to the numerous fans that showed their support today. We thought that we would share with everybody! Here are just a few of them! 
 "I love my Baby Quasar little blue, my hormonal acne is gone, skin tone has improved. I am 40 and still struggled with acne and found that I cannot use those harsh chemicals products on my "mature" skin as I could when I was a teen. Little baby blue is awesome and isn't harsh on my skin and dosn't make it feel like a reptile like over drying acne products do. I got my baby blue at Neimans and is worth every penny. I can't wait to get the red light and try on sore muscles and work on getting rid of some darks age spots. Dear Santa I have been a really good girl this year and Baby Quasar red is on my list (wink wink)!!!"
"My son is 12 and starting to get a few pre teen acne this has been so great tool I can use to help him get rid of embarrassing spots when they pop up after being sweaty and playing sports. I read that acne can be heredity, so excited that I will be able to help get rid of it in such a gentle way to his skin. Were was Baby Quasar when I was growing up LOL !! I have recommended to so many families with teens a must have!"
Thank you again! If you have a story about your Baby Quasar come by our Facebook page and share with everybody! 

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