Monday, September 23, 2013

Sherry Back with her week 4 review!

"So I was right. Diligence pays! I have been doing really well at sticking to my night regime of my light therapy device. I am currently using Clear Rayz for my acne and the Baby Quasar Plus for my aging skin. So far my acne breakouts have subsided and my skin is starting to get an overall smoother tone on my face. The wrinkles around my mouth are really starting to soften. My lips are plumping and finally I see the sunspots on my hand and arm starting to fade. My husband even noticed!"

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How long do the anti-aging benefits last?

Monday, September 16, 2013

Want to win a Baby Quasar Plus?

Would you like to win a Baby Quasar Plus? Its simple! All you have to do is submit a 20 second video on why you should win a Baby Quasar Plus! Tweet it, Instagram it, Facebook it.. All video submissions via Social Media sites are accepted! All GIVEAWAY entries must be submitted before Sat September 21st @midnight (pacific). Please don't forget to tag Baby Quasar in your post! Good luck to everybody we cant wait to see your video! 
Baby Q Staff

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Can we arrest or combat skin damage?

Medical science suggests that, once the skin has been damaged, we can do little to prevent the emergence of lines, wrinkles, and spots. But we can take aggressive treatments to rejuvenate and restore our skin and combat the effects of aging. Skin care technology has made great strides in correcting the flaws resulting from sun damage to the skin. In particular, light therapy has emerged as the most effective method of combating the effects of aging in the skin. The use of light is safe, pain free, and inexpensive, compared with earlier skin care solutions like laser skin resurfacing and facelifts. Today, everyone can enjoy relaxing, painless light therapy treatments that dramatically improve skin appearance (This is an example photo of one of our product reviewers results just after a few treatments). At home-use instruments now make these treatments even more convenient and affordable.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Why Light Therapy Works!

Cells in the skin and supporting tissue absorb specific wave lengths between 590 and 950 nanometers. Our cells/tissue convert this light energy into “fuel” that is used to increase cellular metabolism. Research by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has shown that light therapy could increase cellular metabolism by 250 percent. While the NASA study focused on healing injuries, the effect of light therapy on skin is exactly the same. The increased cellular activity stimulates formation of new collagen and elastin — the building blocks of healthy skin.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Does smoking cigarettes affect my skin?

Recently we have been receiving some emails asking if smoking affects your skin damage. This was a great topic that we thought we would share with everybody! Medical studies have shown that cigarette smoking accelerates the skin’s normal aging process by damaging collagen and impairing blood flow to the skin. Fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots often appear 10-20 years sooner among smokers. This is why many smokers look so much older than their actual age.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Save money with your Baby Quasar!

Absolutely! Save hundreds to thousands of dollars per year using your Baby Quasar MD. Chemical treatments, cosmetic surgery, and injectables can be very pricey procedures, no to mention the down times that comes with them. You can use your Quasar MD PLUS in the comfort of your own home with no downtime or risk of scarring.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Science of Light Therapy


Why do some people look younger than their actual age, while others look older? Why do some of us have lines and wrinkles, while others have silky smooth skin? The simple answer is genetics. But there’s much more to the story. Medical science points to three leading causes of skin deterioration and damage.

1. Decreased Collagen: As we enter our 50’s and 60’s, our bodies reduce the production of collagen – the large, moist molecules that are the building blocks of our skin. As a result, our skin loses moisture, becomes thinner and less elastic, and often changes color. Many of us develop facial lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores, and age spots (hyper pigmentation).

2. Sun Damage: A key contributor to skin deterioration is sun damage – especially among the baby boomer generation. They may be the first significant age group to deliberately expose their skin to large doses of sunlight over an extended period of years. Medical research clearly shows that overexposure to the sun – mainly in the teenage years – has exacerbated skin deterioration among baby boomers.

3. Cigarette Smoking: Medical studies have shown that cigarette smoking accelerates the skin’s normal aging process by damaging collagen and impairing blood flow to the skin. Fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots often appear 10-20 years sooner among smokers. This is why many smokers look so much older than their actual age.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Say Hello to Kristina our new Product reviewer!

The Baby Quasar plus is very easy to use. The long cord is great, it makes it so easy to lounge on the couch while using it. This is my first week and
I have only used it 3 times so far. I have noticed a slight puffy feeling/look over my upper lip...which is where the real problem area is with wrinkles. I have not experienced any extra drying, so I am happy about that. I will start using 4 times a week for quicker results. So far so good! Thank you!!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Who is Quasar Bio-Tech?


Quasar Bio-Tech was founded in 2005 on the belief that offering premium products with outstanding customer care was the only way to do business. Today, our continued success is due in large part to you—our clients. We would like to thank you for your continued support of our endeavors.

Located in Sarasota, FL since 2007, we pride ourselves in being a small business with big dreams to continue offering skin care products that aid our clients in feeling and looking their best.  We are extremely proud to manufacture our products here in the United States.

Quasar Bio-Tech looks forward to your continued support, suggestions, and success stories.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Steffi's Final review, come read how her week six ends!

"Week 6 is finally here! I just want to start off by saying thank you to Baby Quasar for allowing me to test out this amazing product for them! It has been a fun 6 weeks writing these reviews for you! I can't believe its already over! I am definitely a Blue light therapy convert for life! When and if my Baby Blue ever goes out I plan on purchasing another one!! I really want to save up the money to invest in the Baby Quasar Plus now (red light therapy for wrinkles)! OH Guess what :)!!!! I am pleased to announce that as of this moment I am acne free!! Amazing right! The first time in probably ten years I haven't had a zit on my face all because of the amazing Baby Blue! I am sure I will have the occasional zit here and there but as long as I continue usage of the baby blue I see a bright and clear-skinned Steffi in the future ;)! Thanks everyone for following me on this skin care journey!"

Wow it is truly amazing to see her skin transform right before our eyes! It just warms our hearts to know that we are helping people defeat their acne while boosting their confidence! Thank you Steffi for sharing with all of us.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Alecia back with her 3 week review! (are those hearts in her eyes?)

So week three has been good to me.  Last week I was experiencing irritated skin with dry patches and creepiness around my eyes and mouth, so I switched my treatment plan and laid off my facial products and baby q for a couple days to allow my skin time to rest.  I then resumed activity using a two days on and one day off schedule. I'm not sure what caused the irritation but my skin is happy with me once again and I'm starting to see some improvements.  You'll see in the pictures that most of my improvements are starting to take place around my mouth.  The lines are starting to soften (ever so slightly) and the texture seems to be improving. I'm looking forward to the next couple of months to see what changes take place as I know rebuilding the skin is a slow process, especially at my age...cough cough..Stay tuned.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Laura's back with her 6 week review!

"Well here it is week 6 with my baby q + and I don't know what I would do without it. I look back on my pictures and WOW! What a difference. While I still have some hyper pigmentation on my forehead it has dramatically faded in the past six weeks. My skin tone overall is more even and the little jowls I had forming I have not noticed at all :)! My lips are fuller and those little lines above them are fading! YAY!!!! And......I have a secret......I have been treating my 20+ year old stretch marks and they are fading too and the skin texture around them is so much nicer. I wish I had before and afters to share. I am so grateful for the opportunity to use this amazing device and as I said in last weeks review I am most definitely saving my pennies for the md. Baby Quasar has made this 44 year old a very happy woman."

Sunday, August 18, 2013

"definitely a skincare investment" says the Beauty Professor!

Come by Beauty Professor  and read this incredible review of the Quasar MD Plus! This is a great review for any of you that are "on the fence" about light therapy. "Quasar MD Plus have been incredible additions to my skincare routine.  I love how my skin feels..." Come by her Blog to read the end of that sentence! Thank you Beauty Professor for your fantastic review!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

5 weeks in and Laura still loves her....

Well here it is week 5 and I am still happy with my baby q +! I have no problem fitting the treatments into my nightly (5xs a week) schedule. My "grunch" lines are barely noticeable and my scowl lines above my lips have decreased significantly. My smile lines (I hate calling them crows feet) while still there are not nearly as deep. The awesome thing about my baby q + is seeing visible results so quickly. The dermatologist always says to try skin products for at least 4 to six weeks before deciding on them and I have to say I was sold after the first week .....I can only imagine what the long term results will be. The only drawback has been that now I am saving my pennies for an MD since it is twice as powerful and I am sure it is worth every cent!! Have a fantastic week ~~Laura

Monday, August 12, 2013

Jackie back with her final review!

Hi guys! So happy to be back with my week six review. It has been a great six week journey.  I was skeptical of the benefits of red light therapy before using this device but I am a believer now.  I love the baby quasar plus and I will continue to use mine until it decides to give up or I decide to upgrade in the future to the MD plus. 

It is so easy to use and really soothing.  I use it up to five nights per week before my normal skin ritual and I have seen some wonderful results. 

The periorbital wrinkles I had beginning around my eyes are hardly noticeable at all now which is such an amazing thing. You can look so much older depending on what the shape of the skin around your eyes is in.  I am 28 now and people swear I look like I am 20 or younger. 

I have also seen the fines lines over the other areas of my face disappearing.  I do not have to worry about my makeup settling into the little creases all over my face.  I used to have to choose between powdering my foundation and seeing lines later on or watching is wear in patches in my oily spots.  Not anymore with my baby quasar. 

My acne scars from old breakouts are gone in no time with this.  I can't say that this has stopped my acne which is fine because it is not meant for that.  My breakouts have reduced though which is a bonus. I need to get a baby blue to use in tandem and I will be good to go.

I can definitely recommend getting your own baby quasar.  It definitely does what is claims to do.  It is not cheap by any means but it is well worth saving up and investing your hard earned money into one.  It has done great things for me and I am sure it will for you too.  Can't wait to see my ongoing results. 

Let me know how you like yours!



Sunday, August 11, 2013

Say hello to Alecia, our new product reviewer!


I just recently turned 42 and have started to feel a little anxious about the lines and wrinkles that have started to form on my face.  Especially around my mouth as they make me appear sad or frustrated as my six year old son tells me.  So when the opportunity came my way to test out the Baby Quasar I was beyond thrilled to be chosen.   When baby Q arrived at my house I immediately opened the package and was struck by how nice the case was that it is stored in.  This will be nice for traveling.  I read the easy to read instructions and tried it out later that evening after washing my face.  The baby Quasar is simple to use and lightweight.  I divided my face into the six sections as suggested in the manual then went to town while watching my Soap Opera.  All that was missing was a nice piece of chocolate.  So eighteen minutes later my first at- home treatment was complete and I followed it up with my favorite night time moisturizer then off to bed.   Fast forward a week later and I’ve noticed a slight glow in my complexion my pores seem to be decreasing a tad in size.  I have chosen to do a two days on one day off approach for the next couple months and anxiously await to see my skin transform.  Thank you once again for this opportunity."

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Steffi's Back for her week 5 review!

"Hello Week 5! 

I only treated 3 days this week (full treatments) but I am still getting great results. Of course I spotted treated any that popped up as well throughout the week.Which I have had a few pop ups this week but at the moment I only have one on my chin (you can see it in my week 5 photo) WOO!! I am ready for the day when 1 or 2 zits turn into full blown clear skin and I have a feeling that the Baby Blue will take me there! I have my routine pretty set to how I like it, I baby blue after my shower while laying in bed. Its my night time routine. Its actually really relaxing using this device and helps put me in a good frame of mind for sleep! Actually I have even spot treated on my husband a couple times and he seems to like it as well. He gets those really bad cystic acne spots on his neck. If I see any large ones pop up on him I have him let me do a quick treatment. None of his pimples have turned into the cysts since I have been doing this. So its a family affair ;)! I am still continuously amazed at how great the results of this product are!  See y'all next week for my final review!"

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Jackie's back with her week 5 review!

Hello everyone! 

It is so hard to believe but it is time for my week 5 review of the baby quasar plus. 

I am absolutely amazed at what this has done for my periorbital wrinkles I had starting up.  They are hardly noticeable anymore even when you look up close.  For the younger ladies and gentlemen that are not sure they want this device because they don't have them yet I can say you should try it.  Prevention is always better than letting problems get worse.  I know this works but you will take longer to try to repair than maintain.  

As for my hyper pigmentation, I am still seeing results. It has faded a little more this past week.  I don't feel like I have to try and slather on foundation and concealer over the area. A little bit is covering it up fairly well.  This is my favorite result because I have always been very insecure about that patch on my chin.  

As for the rest of my face, I am seeing the little lines disappear from my cheeks and around my lips.  I think those were mostly dehydration lines.  I have also noticed that the texture of my skin is much smoother.  

It is still a pleasure to use.  Like I have said before this device is very warm and soothing.  I do my treatment while sitting on the couch and watch my favorite shows.  No matter how busy you are you can definitely fit in the 20 minutes it takes to treat your face. 

See you on week 6!


Monday, August 5, 2013

Laura's Back with her week 4 review!

Are those stars in her eyes? Looks to us as if someone is in love with their Baby Quasar Plus! "Time flies when you're having fun! Week four with my baby q + has come and gone and I have to say that things are looking up. My skin continues to show "grunch" lines between my eyebrows has softened as have my lip lines and periorbital wrinkles. My skin is feeling tighter and smoother. I am still faithfully treating 5xs a week..I treat in the evening when I unwind in front of the tv. I find the treatments very relaxing so they are the perfect precursor to bedtime :). Here's to another week of progress! Till next week ~~Laura"

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Steffi's Back (but not with acne) with her week 4 review!

"Hello Week 4!! :)! Loving my Baby Blue more and more each week. No set backs this week, just smooth sailing and clear skin! I even think my pores are getting smaller. I find myself having to use less foundation and cover-up, which is a nice change! Also my acne scars are becoming less pronounced and less noticeable! I am not sure if this is due to the baby blue or my just not having much acne, and my skin finally being able to heal and repair itself properly. Still after four weeks I get that wonderful spa feeling whenever I use it. My skin just feels awesome after each and every use! Also my number one tip for this device is whenever you get a pimple, or black head... SPOT TREAT IT!! It does wonders!! Just throw a extra 30 second to 1 minute treatment over the area with the pimple and along with your usual treatment; they will clear up within 2 days without getting sore or painful!  I do still get the occasional pimple here and there but no where near what it was before! I can definitely see and feel the difference the Baby Blue has done for my skin! Cannot wait to see what my last 2 weeks have in store! 
Thanks Baby Q! See y'all next week."

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Laura's Back with her 3 week review!!!

"Week three has come and gone and me and my baby q+ are still going strong! I am still treating 5xs a week and find the treatments quick and relaxing. Who doesn't sit down for 18 mins at least once a day? I am still noticing improvement in the texture of my looks brighter and smoother. I have not worn makeup in days and I feel pretty :).
 At the end of my third week I left for my vacation. I just tucked my baby q+ right in my travel bag in it's handy case. Even through traveling and visiting and playing I find treatments quick ....they fit into my traveling schedule easily. Can't wait to see what week four will bring. Till next week ~Laura"

Wednesday, July 31, 2013 loves our....

Thank you Victoria from for your wonderful review! It is so great to hear that your skin has vastly improved since using our powerful little Baby Quasar Plus.  Here is just a snip it from this wonderful review. "I’m sure you’re familiar with the Baby Quasar Plus, but let me tell you this is one serious red light therapy beauty device! If you are in the market for a more gorgeous, healthy, and younger looking complexion then...." Want to read the rest just click on the pic for a direct link! 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Jackies back with her week 4 review!!

"Hi everyone!  It is so hard to believe but it is week 4 of my baby quasar review! I am continuing to see results from my baby quasar plus.  My periorbital wrinkle are almost unnoticeable which is fantastic. My smile lines are also very hard to see now and I feel like my foundation does not get stuck in there too much anymore. Anyone who wears foundation knows the horror of it settling into their fines lines and wrinkles making them look older.
My hyper pigmentation keeps getting better bit by bit.  I know I have to be patient and not expect too much too soon.  It is a long process to fade it away.  My newer acne marks are still healing and being very stubborn. I have gotten a couple new ones but they are much smaller than usual.  It has me thinking that maybe I need to try the magic that is the baby blue quasar in tandem with this.  Better start saving. :)

Can't wait to tell you all about week 5! Thank you so much for reading and see you soon.



Sunday, July 28, 2013

Steffi is back with her week 3 review!

"Hello! I am back for my week 3 review! So the end of this week I had a little set back!! Due to the sun and a little skin irritation from sun burn. But that was due to my lack of using sunscreen not the Baby Blue. So I had to lay off using the Blue for a few days til my sunburn healed up, I didnt want to chance irritating my skin further! I did get a little chin break out during my Baby Blue break so I couldn't do any accurate before and after pictures this week (but don't fret I took few other photos to share with you). However I do have something good to say about the Baby Blue. I realized today that since I have been using the Baby Blue I haven't had to pop a zit..not once! Because the few breakouts I have had I have treated with the blue and they are usually gone in no more than 2 days! The Baby Blue prevents them from growing or getting bigger, I feel it literally stops them in their tracks. And of course less zit popping equals less acne scars which is wonderful! I have been doing good with my face washing this week as well. I took a picture of the chin break out this morning and ill be using it in my week 4 review. The intensity of break outs is decreasing, and the left cheek and left part of my chin are still clear even with having to take a break from using the Baby Blue for a few days. So the only real break out I have is on my right chin and cheek area, and I believe its about 3 or 4 pimples. See y'all next week!"

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Laura back with her week 2 review!

"Here it is two weeks with my Baby Quasar Plus and I couldn't be happier. As a California girl in her mid forties I did as a teen what many girls my age did.....I baked in the sun hoping for that golden glow of summer with no knowledge or care for the damage that it would do to my skin (if only I knew then what I know now!!!!!! )  Ladies.....ALWAYS WEAR YOUR SUNSCREEN! Then one day it crept up on me........hyper pigmentation!!! One day my daughter looked at my forehead and exclaimed "Mom.......what is that on your face????" I sighed and looked at her and said "That means mom is old." (and admonished her to wear her sunscreen) I thought that I would be stuck with my "alien spots" forever. But my Baby Q+ came to my rescue! These dark brown patches are slowly fading and I am hopeful that they will disappear. The other thing that I have noticed in my skin is a more even tone with more color than I have had in a while. I don't know
when it happened but one day I just wasn't comfortable going out skin was just lacking that glow that it used to have and now I have found myself going out in public barefaced again!!! It feels sooooo good. I just keep seeing improvement in the texture of my skin. I know that the changes are gradual so it really helps to have the before and after pictures. Another change that I have noticed is that those dreaded scowl lines above my lip are not as deep and my lips are actually fuller. I must say again that I am already in love with this little gem and am excited for the future! ........Till next week~~Laura"

Monday, July 22, 2013

Jackie's back with her week 3 review!

"Hi everyone, 

I cannot believe that we are already at the week 3 update.  I am still thrilled with my new baby quasar plus.  I have noticed a slight improvement over my periorbital wrinkles in the last week.  They definitely do not seem as deep.  I can tell because I love concealing my under eye area to brighten then up but I would always have concealer stuck in the little creases.  I can truly say that I am seeing that less and less as time goes on.  I also noticed that the smile lines that I get are not as bad as they were too.  

A very unexpected result is that my chin is not breaking out in the last week. What you see in my pictures is the leftover markings from recently healed breakouts.  I am hoping that these fade as fast as my others did thanks to my baby quasar plus.

Finally, I have seen a slight improvement this week in my hyper pigmentation on the lower left side of my chin.  I am happy with what I have seen and I am expecting to have to use my device for some time before it is mostly gone.  

I can't wait to report the results week 4 will bring.  Everyday I get a little spa treatment and I love that.  I have to force myself not to use it every single night because the instructions say a max of five uses per week.  Anyway, thank you so much for sharing this with me ans see you next week!


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Makeup by Lara Lee is back with the 2nd half!!

Makeup by Lara Lee is back with the 2nd half of her review! We are happy to announce that she is still in love with here Baby Quasar Baby Blue device. It so amazing to hear these wonderful outcomes from people using our Baby Quasar Plus devices. Are you still curious on how all this light therapy works? Makeup by Lara Lee has taken the time to write out how blue light therapy works with your skin. Come on by and see just how happy she is with her results from our  Baby Blue device!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Steffi is back with her week 2 review!

"Hey everyone!!
 I have just completed my Week 2 of using the Baby Blue!! I must say I am really impressed with this product thus far. It has impressed me in 2 different areas this week. The first is I had a very large painful pimple appear yesterday inside of my right eyebrow. If you have ever had a zit in your eyebrow I am sure you feel my pain!! They HURT!! Well the morning when I woke up and it appeared I immediately treated with the Baby Blue. I hadn't really thought of treating my eyebrows before I just worked around them, I now will be adding this area into my regular routine. By this morning a day after treating the pimple the swelling and pain had gone away. It is wonderful! I’m not going to lie my usual treatment for this would have been to pop it..I know this is very bad. But who of us hasn’t done this? The second area it has impressed me is that about 3 times this week with my busy schedule I have fallen asleep with makeup still on my face! This for me is a big no-no! Because usually if I do this I get massive breakouts! But with steady treatment of the Baby Blue I haven’t as yet had any major concerns in this area. My skin hasn’t remained blemish free I have had a few pop up here and there but not to the extent where it would have before if I had slept in my makeup prior to using the Baby Blue. I feel my skin is much improved to what it was 2 weeks ago; it is a lot clearer with fewer breakouts even with falling asleep with makeup on! For week 3 I’ll make sure I am much better about washing the makeup off my face nightly along with continuing usage of the Baby Blue! My right cheek area is also showing some improvement I only have one pimple in the area right now where as previously I would have 3 or 4 clustered in that area. Alright see ya’ll next week!"

Monday, July 15, 2013

Laura and her Baby Quasar Plus!

 Lets welcome Laura one of our new product reviewers! Laura is going to be sharing her Baby Quasar Plus experience with us.

"Monday came and the magical sound of the the UPS truck in front of my house happened! I was so excited because this meant that my Baby Quasar Plus was here! I could not wait to try it out! I have been eying light therapy for several years (even succumbing to a drugstore model.....that turned out to be nothing more than a fancy colored flashlight :( ......) So when I saw the Baby Q and read the reviews I was really thrilled about an FDA approved device that could improve my skin in a non~invasive way. 
When I took my Baby Q out of its case I was impressed by its construction.....sturdy and lightweight. I set right about washing my face and getting to work. The Baby Q was easy to use and to handle. It's built in timer left no room for error so I moved quickly through the zones on my face. There was a nice warm sensation while I used it.....very soothing. And dare I say it? At the end of my treatment my skin felt something was happening. Baby Quasar recommends using the Baby Q Plus two to three times a week for the first 8 weeks but is cleared to use up to 5 days a week. I opted for the full five days of treatment keeping an eye out for any dryness. I did not experience any dryness and my skin actually felt more dewy. At the end of the five days I did compare before and after pics and did notice a slight difference in my periorbital wrinkles. This was really cool because I know building collagen takes time and I was not really sure that I would see a noticeable difference so quickly. I am thrilled to be using this product and cannot wait to see what the future will bring.........see you next week~Laura"

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Jackie is back with her week 2 review!

"Hello everyone!

I am so happy to be back with my week two impressing of the Baby Quasar Plus.  I have to say that I am still loving this.  It is a pleasure to use as part of my daily skincare regimen.  I am still using it the same way with one minor exception.  I seem to have an easier time using it without the cap.  This is a personal preference.  To protect the life of your bulbs you may not want to do this.  What I do is I make sure that my face is just washed and squeaky clean before use.  I am not sure if that is doing much to protect the bulbs but I think it is a safer bet than using it with product on my face.  I get more of that nice warming sensation on my skin. 

My skin seems clearer and more radiant than before I started using the device.  The hyper pigmentation that I have has continued to show improvement.  I have used so many topical products before getting the baby quasar and nothing seemed to help on its own.  I use this first and then put on a dark spot corrector before my other skincare and this combo seems to be doing the job.  I had read that others had experienced their skincare working better with the baby quasar and I have to say that it definitely does.  To protect my progress I do not leave the house without sunscreen.  I have also noticed that the fine lines around my eyes are less noticeable.  I am so happy to see progress because my eyes were the first place I really started to show my age.  I am only 28 but I like to look younger than I am. 
Another wonderful benefit is my makeup seems to be going on smoother.  It think that is because the baby quasar is helping to get rid of these little bumps I get under my skin.  I am not sure what they are but I can' wait until they are completely gone. 
Can't wait to share my week three results!


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Extended Warranties

Have you been debating on investing in one of our light therapy devices? Well lets go ahead and add one more reason why you should! We are happy to announce that we are extending warranties on all of our products!  Peter B. Nesbitt, President of Quasar Bio-Tech Inc, said, "We've looked at our warranty experience over the past seven years and seen so few defects with our products that we feel safe in extending warranties. With a defect rate well under one percent, we are happy to give our customers this added support." Thank you Mr. Nesbitt and the Quasar family!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Steffi and the Baby Blue!

Lets all welcome Steffi, our new product reviewer! She is going to be reviewing our Baby Blue device. Here is the first week:

"Hello! My name is Stephanie, I am a 27 year old mom to a wonderful 4 year old little boy and I have been suffering with acne my whole life. I had always assumed it would go away as I aged but, alas no luck! I have been given this wonderful opportunity to test out the Baby Blue and I am very excited about it! In the past I have heard good things about blue light therapy, now its my turn to see what this can do for me! I have been using the Baby Blue for 1 week now, and so far I love it!! The blue light is actually very soothing. I plug it in after my shower while I am laying in bed, I turn on my favorite TV shows, relax and let the baby blue do its job. It is really easy to use, literally plug it in, push the on button and go. It has a nice warming sensation, not too hot at all. It doesn't seem to be drying out my skin at all (which it says can be a side effect). I use it without the clear light cap because I have tried it both ways and I prefer it without the cap, the light seems to penetrate my skin better this way. I have noticed the pimples on my chin area clearing up, this is my biggest problem area and I spend a little extra time every night concentrating on this area. I would have to say my favorite thing about this product so far is how my face feels after using it. I am not really sure how to explain it, its like my face is relaxed and cozy. Like I spent an hour at the spa. I know this really isn't meant to be a result of the product but I love how it makes my skin feel! I am excited to see the long term results of the blue light on my acne!! See y'all next week!"

Monday, July 8, 2013

Makeup by Lara Lee loves her Baby Blue!

Still having trouble finding a product that will help with your acne? If you are anything like Lara Lee you will have to read this review! 
"As you probably know if you've been reading my blog for a while, Ive struggled with bad skin and break outs for a long time. Ive tried maaaany different products to try to clear my skin. From ProActive, Murad, Evologie, Merlot, handmade all natural products, and everything in between..finding few products that actually work, I thought it was time to try..." Want to read the rest? Click on the logo to go directly to the review! 

Thank you Makeup by Lara Lee!