Monday, November 5, 2012

Fan Questions!

We have been receiving some really great questions from our fans! So we thought that we would share them with all of you! Do you have a question for us? Let us know! Visit us one facebook or leave a comment on this post!

Q. Can you tell me what "C Factor" technology is.....??

A. The "C Factor" technology is very specific combination of wavelengths approved by the FDA used for Peri Orbital wrinkles.

Q. What's the difference between the baby blue and the clear rayz?

A.   The Baby Blue is an on/off device using Blue LEDs  to kill the P-Bacteria on the facial surface and in the skin pores, that causes acne.  The Clear Rayz Device incorporates the Blue light therapy that kills the P-bacteria that causes acne with the Red light therapy for pain/healing and inflammation all in one device!  You would use the Blue light to kill the P-bacteria one day and the Red light to heal existing acne and inflammation the following day.  It is that simple!  Two acne treatments in one device!  1.  Blue= kill the P-bacteria and 2.  Red=healing and reduce inflammation.

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